VFR Definitions

VFR AircraftAn aircraft conducting flight in accordance with visual flight rules.
VFR AirportsVFR airports do not have any electronic instruments to assist pilots in landings. If the airport is listed in the US TERMINAL PROCEDURES manuals they are not visual airports.
VFR VisibilityThe ability, as determined by atmospheric conditions and expressed in units of distance, to see and identify prominent unlighted objects by day and prominent objects by night.
Visual ApproachAn approach conducted on an instrument flight rules (IFR) flight plan which authorizes the pilot to proceed visually and clear of clouds to the airport. The pilot must, at all times, have either the airport or the preceding aircraft in sight. This approach must be authorized and under the control of the appropriate air traffic control facility. Reported weather at the airport must be ceiling at or above 1,000 feet and visibility of 3 miles or greater.
Visual Flight RulesRules that govern the procedures for conducting flight under visual conditions. The term "VFR" is also used in the United States to indicate weather conditions that are equal to or greater than minimum VFR requirements. In addition, it is used by pilots and controllers to indicate type of flight plan.
Visual HoldingThe holding of aircraft at selected, prominent geographical fixes which can be easily recognized from the air.
Visual Meteorological ConditionsMeteorological conditions expressed in terms of visibility, distance from cloud, and ceiling equal to or better than specified minima.

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