Airspace® and TERPS® July 2020 Updates

The FAA is conducting a UAS Symposium. The first episode will take place on July 8-9, to discuss the future of UAS integration into the NAS. Episode II is scheduled for August 18-19, 2020. The topics will be: Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM), STEM, UAS type certification and operational approvals, LAANC, analytics and Artificial Intelligence and Drone Zone updates. To register for this event please follow this link: “”


Updates related to:

  • Airspace® and TERPS® software
  • FAA updates to relevant Orders, Advisory Circulars, Engineering Briefs, etc.
  • Industry related topics

If you have any questions or concerns, please give our office a call at (321) 777-1266, or send us an email,, we would be happy to assist you.