During the Summer of 2021, the FAA OE/AAA Group was requesting submission of antenna support structures when applications were made for cranes. The crane use was to support change-out or addition of a new antenna. In cases where the support antenna structure did not require notice (under 77.9) there was push-back by Airspace® users. Federal Airways & Airspace contacted Mike Helvey, head of the FAA’s Obstacle Evaluation Group, to discuss this matter. The FAA/FCC Colo Void clause, agreed to by the FAA and the FCC, states if an antenna support structure that has a valid Determination of No Hazard (DNH), is not increasing in height and the frequencies are in the approved bands, notice to the FAA for adding a new antenna to the tower is not required. Our position was, and is, if an antenna support structure does not require notice under Title 14, CFR Part 77.9 then the tower has the equivalent of a DNH. Notice of the tower is not required, provided the frequencies are within the approved bands. The FAA agreed with our position and would not require notice on the tower unless the frequencies are not included in the approved bands. This is good news for all our wireless customers.
A new version of GeoReference.dll was released. The release was a result of an anomaly observed in the analysis of a Q-Route Airway. Q-Route Airways are high altitude routes and can only be flown at or above FL180.
Updates related to:
- Airspace® and TERPS® software
- FAA updates to relevant Orders, Advisory Circulars, Engineering Briefs, etc.
- Industry related topics
If you have any questions or concerns, please give our office a call at (321) 777-1266, or send us an email, airspace@airspaceusa.com, we would be happy to assist you.