November 2010 News

Link to AOPA’s Airports – For years TERPS® has provided a link to AOPA’s airports files. The link has been changed and the latest version of TERPS® utilizes the new link. It has been discovered that the FAA’s NCT can produce some confusing results. We have found that if the FAA database is corrupt or missing data elements, it specifies that notice is required for up to 8 miles from an airport and 1 foot above the ground. We have made inquiries and written a FOIA to their Washington Office to obtain the exact criteria used by their tool to produce the unanticipated results. Guidance from their office has confirmed the use of this tool is voluntary and they have no objection if other tools (i.e. Airspace®) that can produce more accurate results.

If you have any questions or concerns, please give our office a call at (321) 777-1266, or send us an email,, we would be happy to assist you.