Airspace GridSearch

Our Approach

FA&A has developed innovative techniques and methodology to evaluate search rings and areas for the wireless carriers in order to assist the carrier and their site acq’s in identifying ideal candidate locations. Our map layers also protect a carrier’s search ring from being abandoned as a result of missing out on areas where potential candidates that might have been overlooked. The use of our map layers allows site acq’s to focus on where the desired height is achievable and eliminate incompatible locations thus saving time and improving their efficiency.  We understand not every search area is circular and can process any shape or boundary area.

Three map layers that are generated for each project location:

  1. FAA Notice.kmz
    Displays only FAA notice height limits. This can also be used when the goal is to avoid filing FAA Notice.
  2. FAA Composite.kmz
    Displays the calculated limits for FAA Notice, Obstruction and Maximum height.
  3. EMI Screening.kmz
    Displays where potential electromagnetic interference may occur on nearby navigational aids.

The use of our map layers can rapidly determine both a candidate as well as a search ring’s viability for a desired target RAD height. To ensure the highest level of accuracy, every point is run through both Airspace and TERPS to determine FAA compliance.

Each generated map is color-coded for easy interpretation of the results.

  • Red:    RAD height at candidate location is not achievable
  • Yellow:    RAD height is achievable but exceeds obstruction standards. An FAA extended study is required
  • Green:    RAD height is achievable and does not exceed obstruction standards

All generated map layers are interactive. Each box can be clicked and provides the height limit for FAA notice, obstruction and maximum allowable height at that specific location.  Lastly, we include an analysis summary to accompany map layers.

Want to test alternative AGL heights? No problem. All map layers are dynamically generated and can easily be reproduced at different target heights within 28 days of the completed project.

Need a Search Area Analysis Conducted?

Download a sample map layer

Required Information for quote creation:

  1. Non-circle shape (defined boundary area as a KMZ file) or Circle (Center Point Lat/Lon, and desired radius)
  2. Desired target AGL height including all appurtenances on a structure.
  3. Desired grid resolution, the standard is 200 ft. x 200 ft
How can we help?

Call our office or send a message to let us know what we can do for you.

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