Federal Airways & Airspace offers Instrument Approach Procedure (IAP) prototyping utilizing the Procedures for Air Navigation Services – Aircraft Operations (PANS-OPS) rules. This service is useful to Airport Owners & Operators, as well as building developers who may want to negotiate with airports.
Airport Owners/ Operators may utilize this service to determine the feasibility of a new instrument approach procedure prior to making an official FAA request for the procedure. In addition to the design services, we also offer consulting support through the FAA Instrument Flight Procedures (IFP) Gateway Instrument Procedure Request application process and subsequent project tracking through the FAA. We will refute any FAA objections to the procedure and partake in any negotiations or discussions the FAA may request regarding the application.
Building developers may utilize this service as a tool of negotiation with nearby airports their proposed structures may impact. An airport may be willing to allow penetrations to existing approach procedures and support the subsequent modifications to the IAP, if the airport can be provided with a mitigation solution for the increased minimums. An example of these solutions would be to raise the minimum descent altitude (MDA) for a LNAV Approach Procedure into an airport, while proposing a LP Approach to the same runway that would encompass a smaller footprint that does not include the proposed building. The LP approach would provide for minimums equal to the original LNAV minimum, or less, thus providing the same, or better, Approach minimums as the original procedure.
IAP Prototyping Deliverables
Each IAP that is prototyped will have the following products provided:
- TERPS® Image showing the Final and Missed Approach of the procedure
- Excel Workbook containing the parameters of the IAP and a full list of airport obstructions and their allowable heights within the proposed procedure. FA&A evaluates all obstructions located within the proposed procedure areas that have been identified by an FAA LIDAR Survey, are contained within the National Flight Data Center’s Obstacle Database, and/or identified by a client provided LIDAR Survey. This obstruction check is the main qualifier in our feasibility study.
- A 3-D Google Earth KMZ file of the prototyped procedure can also be provided for an additional charge.
Required Information for quote creation:
- Airport Identifier
- Type of Procedure
- Survey Data (FAA Database may contain LIDAR Survey, a client provided updated survey is always recommended)