Airspace® OMS Commercial is a powerful software suite.
Designed to analyze site locations and determine the impact a project will have on the surrounding airspace and air navigation environment.
This software assists the user in evaluating their point and determines their decision regarding the height they would like to pursue based upon the restrictions of the surrounding aeronautical environment. Airspace® OMS Commercial gives the user the ability to analyze any number of possible locations to find the ideal piece of property that would allow them to reach their goal in height.
When filing with the FAA, the FAA recommends a minimum of 45 days for the initial review. Since the FAA does not work weekends, this typical timeline tends to be closer to 45 business days. The possibility exists that the point or project receives a Notice of Presumed Hazard (NPH), limiting the height of your project. Depending on the issues the FAA cites, you could either accept FAA’s allowable height or you may need to restart the process all over again, costing you time and money.
Airspace® OMS can do this work for you and give you the results in minutes, instead of waiting the 45 days or longer. To assist the user the software suite includes Airspace® Obstacle Analysis Software (OAS) and TERPS® Professional.
Airspace OAS is designed to calculate the FAR Part 77 criteria, apply it to the specific property and determine the maximum allowable height at that location. The software will notify the user if the desired height exceeds the maximum allowable height and will calculate how much it surpasses. Airspace® OAS will generate a concise, easy to understand and identifies all issues of concern. It is a unique feature included in the software.
TERPS Professional is designed to analyze Airport Terminal Instrument Approach Procedures affecting a property’s location. TERPS allows the user to view these surfaces and assess the impact on the project. Without prior knowledge, it is difficult to picture these imaginary surfaces. TERPS® draws these imaginary surfaces perfectly. The user can see the shape of these surfaces and area they restrict. If the user’s property/project is located within one or more surfaces, they can analyze another point in a different location to locate a more ideal location with less restriction or unrestricted height. TERPS® takes out the guesswork and gives you real results with just a few clicks.
- Get answers in minutes.
- Find out your maximum height value at a specific location.
- Displays accurate imaginary surfaces.
- Able to envision what the surfaces affect.
- Able to see any potential impacts to your project.
- A complete audit record of aeronautical data used in an analysis is provided with each response.
- Analyze any point at any location to find your ideal area.