Airspace Update 23Q4

A new feature has been added to Airspace for determining compliance with 5G facilities operating in the C-Band spectrum (3.7-3.98 GHz). Calculations have been added to identify the Zone and Airport Runway Elevation (ARE) necessary to determine compliance. These items appear in the Airspace Summary Report and in a new report specific to 5G itself. There are 188 C-Band Mitigation Airports (CMA), each has three Zones (Zone 1, Zone 2 and Zone 3). There are over 2,000 airports classified as non-CMA where notification to the FAA may be necessary if your station falls into Zone 4. Notification is necessary for stations in Zone 4 operating at 3.7-3.98 GHz. Of course FAR Part 77.9 still applies in all Zones and for all Base Stations regardless of frequency or ERP.

CMA Airports:

Zone 1: Within 3000 feet of the runway.

Zone 2: Within 2.5 NM of the runway and within 1.1 NM abeam the runway.

Zone 3: Within 3.0 NM of the runway and within 1.6 NM abeam the runway.

For Base Stations operating at 3.7-3.98 GHz deployed in Zones 1-3 at a CMA, the C-Band licensee will coordinate with the FAA via FAA Form 7460-1 as follows:

1. Coordination Zone #1: all base stations deployed in this area.

2. Coordination Zone #2: all base stations where either:

  • Fundamental EIRP exceeds 126 Watts/MHz EIRP (51 dBm/MHz), or
  • Antenna Radiation Center height exceeds 50 feet Above Nearest Runway Elevation
  • (ARE).

3. Coordination Zone #3: all base stations where either:

  • Fundamental EIRP exceeds 1640 Watts/MHz EIRP (62 dBm/MHz), or
  • Antenna Radiation  Center  height  exceeds  150  feet  Above  Nearest Runway Elevation (ARE).

Non-CMA Airports:

Zone 4: Within 3.0 NM of the runway and within 1.6 NM abeam the runway

Coordination Zone 4: Licensee will provide prior notice to the FAA of Base Stations deployed in Notification Zone 4 for identified airports via FAA Form 7460-1.


Updates related to:

  • Airspace® and TERPS® software

If you have any questions or concerns, please give our office a call at (321) 777-1266, or send us an email,, we would be happy to assist you.